GOT7 JJP의 내일, 오늘
GOT7 JJP's "Tomorrow, Today" Interview
A friend, a brother, a colleague and sometimes even a rival, who has been by your side for the longest time of your life - it's about them. This is JB and Jinyoung, who come back after 5 years, honestly talking about their new album.
From 2007 and till now - 17th audition held by JYP. On those auditions 1 place has always been taken by 1 person, but during 17th audition for the first and last time 1 place was given to the unit. Back then, they were only 15 years old, performing Deux's «Turn and Look At Me» on the stage – Lim Jaebeom (JB) and Park Jinyoung (Jinyoung). The two of them went a long way side by side, starting from receiving first place on JYP 2009 audition to the KBS drama «Dreamhigh 2» in 2012, and making debut together as JJ Project with their first single album. After this, in 2014 as they made debut in seven-member group GOT7 they had exactly same filmography and discography. And now another line will be added to their shared discography.
A friend, a brother, a colleague and sometimes even a rival, who has been by your side for the longest time of your life - it's about them. This is JB and Jinyoung, who come back after 5 years, honestly talking about their new album.
If we're involved even a little bit, the feeling song gives changes significantly. Because it's different when you read a diary, written by other, and when you read your own diary.

Q. When you listen to the album, there is theme or emotion, that you can feel throughout it, especially, in lyrics. Each person, who listens to it, will naturally have different interpretation of these feelings, but as creators, how will you explain the theme and emotions?

JY: In this album rather than catching up with certain theme, we decided to write lyrics about what we usually think or feel. That's why I think, they are full of feels and thoughts, that person can have in his twenties.

JB: As we put our real stories in it, seemed like album was naturally unified as the whole.
The two of us are naturally sincere and quite, when it comes to our personalities.
Q. I think you put a lot of efforts in delivering the certain unity even through the music genre. Can you explain?

JB: There is one theme, going throughout the whole album, but music genres are different. Comparing to the music we released as GOT7 it's quite, but in reality from song to song genres are changing.

JY: So to speak, atmosphere is still same
Q. Theme, emotions, music genres, that we were talking before, and all parts in general are really different from GOT7 albums. Can you explain the difference? And is there a reason why it's so different?

JY: We tried a lot of thing with GOT7 albums, too. One of these attempts was releasing a series, and when we finished our latest album, we had a lot of worries about what kind of music we should do now. Then during preparations of JJ Project album, we had thoughts «Let's take some strength from performances, main dances and songs, we did as GOT7».

JB: Honestly speaking, we had a lot of worries. Originally, 5 years ago, JJ Project's music was jumping, upbeat songs. It wasn't really different from GOT7 music. But I thought as we come back as JJ Project again, it must be different. The two of us are naturally sincere and quite, when it comes to our personalities. In case of GOT7, we can do, let's call it «hard» performances and dances, but with JJ Project situation is different.

Q. In each song's credits I could find names Defsoul and Jinyoung. Finding time isn't an easy task for idols/stars who promote globally. Meanwhile there are a lot of composers who would like to give you nice songs, so why do you bother to compose music and write lyrics by yourself?

JY: If we're involved even a little bit, the feeling song gives changes significantly. Because it's different when you read a diary, written by other, and when you read your own diary. So we wanted to be involved as much as possible. It was meaningful (for us).

JB: I just work on music on daily basis. Because I like making music.

JY: Hyung is almost like machine.

JB: Finding time can be difficult, but in fact it's not true. I am always in touch with friends I'm working on songs with, so I do it when the time is right.
When you listen to «Icarus» it feels like you are going through the clouds, it has those feels.
Q. Nevertheless, title song is composed by JYP's composer Lee Woomin-ssi and JYP representative producer Park Jinyoung has been involved in writing the lyrics. Why?

JY: First of all, «Tomorrow, Today» was a good song with BPM we could dance to. After the title song was set, we wrote the lyrics first, and when Park Jinyoung PD-nim saw it, he made some corrections.

JB: The side-song «Icarus» had a possibility to become a title song as well as «Tomorrow, Today» but it wasn't emotional song, nor popular one. Lyrics for «Tomorrow, Today» were written with Jinyoung from the beginning to the end. We really tried hard, but Park Jinyoung PD-nim fixed a lot. (Haha)

JY: Like that it's been a couple of corrections…but it was the best the way PD-nim fixed it.

Q. For the first time since your debut solo songs are added in the album. In each side-song your own music style and singing style's nuances are felt, but what can you say about your solo songs? And what can you say about each other's solo song?

JY: The lyrics shows my story. In daily life I have a lot of thoughts like «There are good days, but there are also bad days. Things that I used to like aren't good. Things that I used to dislike aren't bad», so this time I wanted to tell people about it. My voice is kind of average, not powerful one, so this time rather than my favorite genre I used genre I found the best fitting my voice. Out of all the songs I made so far, this one is the most suitable for me. It feels new.

JB: «Fade Away» is the song with R&B music I'm always pursuing. Song, which 20% is angst, 70% - suffering and 10% - sadness. From the first glance, it can be considered as a love song, but I wrote lyrics in a way, that you can also think about something else. Other people think a lot about «my life is like this and like that», so (the song) is about being tired of all of it?

JY: I heard hyung's song when hyung was showering and i entered the room to brush my teeth. Hyung usually does really well, even though, in my opinion, I still hadn't met song that really showed up individual color of hyung's voice, but when I heard this song I liked it a lot. I think it's really impressive in the sense of rhythm, voice is nice and just song's colors are well thought.

JB: I also heard Jinyoung during taking shower. It suits him well, as expected. I think, it fits his personality.
Q. Out of the rest side-songs which one would you like to recommend the most? Why?

JY: «Icarus», «Don't Wanna Know»

JB: Oh, we are same? I (would choose) these two songs, too.

JY: «Icarus» was written by hyung. It has unique, strange but cooling feeling. Seems like you must listen to it near the sea or in the meadow. When you listen to it, it cools/freshens you and I like it.

JB: When you listen to «Icarus» it feels like you are going through the clouds, it has those feels. When I was worrying how I should write lyrics, I picked «Icarus». You may think that it has bad ending, but it also will suit a lot to person, who dreams a lot. Speaking of «Don't Wanna Know» we wrote lyrics together and during working on it I continuously thought the song appears to be really good.

We made all the songs we wanted to. There are no regrets.
Q. What artists, songs, albums you enjoyed a lot recently and want to recommend?

JB: Travis Scott - Goosebumps. One time I listened to eat especially a lot.

JY: Yoo Jaeha - Myself Reflected In My Heart. I like it very much. A lot.

Q. What do you find the most satisfying about this album? Is there something you regret about?

JY: We made all the songs we wanted to. There are no regrets.

JB: Each time we release album, I always have this feeling, when I listen to it just before the release, like «Ah…Next time I must do better». Shortly regrets show up during that time for sure. When CD was all set and came out.
Q [JB] Songs from Mixtape you release publicly but from your own name are different from album's songs not only emotionally, but also by lyrics, music genre. Why?

JB: I work on Mixtape for myself, thinking only about myself. I do things I want to do. But it's different when I work on GOT7 songs. I write (songs) thinking of GOT7 image. That's why it's different. There are also slightly compromised songs, like «Prove It» from GOT7's second latest album and «Fade Away» - solo song from this album. When it comes to GOT7 songs, it's not only me who works on the song, it's released under the name of the group and company I belong to, that's why I listen to everyone's opinion and fix it and compromise after this.

Q [Jinyoung]: GOT7 's main vocals are JB and Youngjae, while Jinyoung in fact isn't. (In past, you were JJ Project's rapper). But in this album you are more vocal, than was expected. What did you do for this?

JY: I didn't want to harm the team. I continuously went through trainings. I actually didn't have any vocal skills or style. Even during song recordings I just sang in the way and in the style producers asked me to sing. I didn't have such thing as «My own way», nor did I have stubbornness or habits. I just did it in a way producer wanted to, because they were specialist unlike me, so I could also learn from them. So I lived this way. Preferring this way for a long time, I absorbed many styles, I gained experience. Voice seemed to grow steadily in its own way. Because I gained a lot of experience, I also learned. Seems like rather than doing something particular, I easily accepted know-hows from other people with free heart and also continuously practiced. Especially, this time, because it's been a while since the two of us worked together, I think we have a chance to show our new image and many other things in one time.

Q. I heard with album you will also release photo essay and launch photo exhibition. You were busy with album preparations but still did this, why?

JB: Taking photos is my hobby. Jinyoung also showed interest.

JY: Through this album, through our music we wanted to tell our stories. We also thought how we can show it visually and came to photos. We are not experts in photography, especially me, but we thought of it as another way of showing our view and world - filming it and writing down we can express our thoughts a little bit more.

Q. It was surprising to see that lyrics were self-composed but what was even more surprising and unexpected is to see writings in photo essay. You put efforts not only in composing the music, but also in writing the lyrics and letters, right?

JY: I personally think that lyrics is the most important part in the song, but actually seems like I don't have skill in polishing the lyrics. It's just straightforward lyrics. Honest lyrics. For example, as hyung said a while ago, it's a love song, but you can interpret it differently - this is something I can't do well. No matter how you look at it, it's same one honest story. That's why I try my best to put even more sincerity and heartiness in it.

JB: In music everything is important but lyrics gives you a bigger range of opportunities to express yourself. I just make notes in my notebook about the emotions and expressions I feel during that time and that time so I can remember it.
Q: Your photos, too, don't look like ones done by amateur. Do you usually have a lot of interest in taking photos?

JB: I have especially a lot of interest in photography. In the past if I had a mood, I took camera and made photos. I didn't write essays, but I left notes about my feelings on the back of the photographs.

JY: I'm just like others, when I go somewhere and the thought «Let's picture it» comes, I take a photo, just a person, who documents the moments. This time since we will put it out, we intended to take photos, but even like this Hokkaido scenery is really fascinating so without big efforts photos appeared really good. A little irony, but me and hyung have a lot in common, both of us like taking photos, but taking selfies by ourselves…he doesn't like it.

JB: I don't like being photographed in general. Shouldn't I be a little embarrassed? Jinyoung is the one who is famous through his selcas among the two of us. In our team, too.

Q. Lately people in his 20s, especially those 20-years-olds who pay attention to photography, they take photos and through things like SNS spread it to others, but the two of you are known for barely using SNS. This is even more unusual since you are celebrities. What is the reason?

JY: My personality doesn't match well with SNS. I'm trying to be faithful to my life. It's ironic how my world can be judged based on photos. Moreover, I don't want to judge the world of other so easily, too. That's why I don't use SNS a lot.

JB: When we appear on shows or TV we are celebrities, but outside of the stage when we live a normal life I don't think of myself as celebrity. I don't mean anything bad, it's just because I also have my own life. But honestly, recently I feel the necessity (of SNS). It seems easier and more convenient to communicate with fans through SNS.

JY: I feel the necessity only when it comes to fans, too.

I think these are songs a lot of people can sympathize to.
Q. Do you have your favorite model of camera which you use personally?

JB: When I choose camera, first of all I look for the photos I can take with this camera. Not long ago I bought Ricoh GR1, I used aged films for this camera so I could take pictures with exact feeling I like. After this I'm only looking for film-cameras. I started taking pictures because of the Japanese movie «Collage of our life», the cameras they used in this movie were all Canon. So at first I bought it, but gradually I started to pay attention to other cameras, too.

Q. I heard that Jinyoung loves movies, what kind of movies do you like?

JY: Recently I'm really fond of Hong Kong movies. I'm looking up for Hong Kong movies of 90s-2000s like Chungking Express, In the Mood for Love. Now I know why people were so enthusiastic about Hong Kong movies. Mostly I watched Korean and American movies, but accidentally (I watched Hong Kong movies) and the mood of it made me want to watch more. I'm watching a lot of movies with actor Leung Chiu-Wai and director Wong Kar-Wai.

Q. As has already been stated above, you have hobbies like photos, reading/writing + you are doing really well in the sense of your hobbies, so is there something else you want to do next?

JB: What comes to my head first is to collect all the books I like, and make something like old-style bookstore, somehow shabby but also decorated as cafe, where you can drink a coffee (while reading).

JY: Shabby to what extent?

JB: To the extent there is no door and it's leaking, when it rains (serious)

JY: I want to write some notes… I think it would be interesting if I could write for something like magazine on the regular basis. And later, when I get older, I want to write a real book. I watched the movie «Midnight in Paris», in it Hemingway said «Any topic is good, just write». I've been continuously thinking about it since I watched it. But I guess it would be difficult, cause writing isn't an easy thing.

Q. Recently such things as exhibitions, photo exhibitions and so on, became a trend among people in their 20s. Have you ever been to exhibition? Which were the recent ones?

JB: «Pattie Boyd's photo exhibition». Pattie Boyd was a muse of Beatles and wife of George Harrison, so it was nice to see photos she made during the trips with Beatles. The space was really nice, too, there were tons of my favorite vintage photos. There is also exhibition I want to visit. «Pixar» animation exhibition. I still hadn't had a chance to visit it.
Q. After promoting as GOT7 for 3 years, it's JJ Project again. How do you feel?

JB: Surprisingly, a lot of people seem to be curious about JJ Project appearance after 5 years. We are always thankful and proud that people remember us. I think we must do great for those who have been waiting for us, but I'm also worrying that they may not like it because the music is not like the old «Bounce». But even like this, I think these are the songs a lot of people can sympathize to.

JY: How should I say it…With GOT7 we knew things we haven't known before. How much company employees and our staff suffer for us. I knew it before, but I didn't felt clear about it. Because attention is always drawn away. I am really thankful that's why I'm putting even more efforts. Whatever result we will have, I think it worth the time.
When decision regarding JJ Project unit was made, none of the members opposed, moreover, they liked it and just for that I'm really thankful to them.
Q. What was members reaction? Please, say something to them.

JY: Members were even more excited and anticipates a lot, so I'm very pleased, especially Mark hyung, he is extremely looking forward to it.

JB: It almost feels like Mark is releasing his own album. Mark ya, have you already received platinum level? Let's prepare hard for the next GOT7 album, hehe. When decision regarding JJ Project unit was made, none of the members opposed, moreover, they liked it and just for that I'm really thankful to them. Because all the members have outstanding skills and personality,I think of us (JJP) as a start after which other members can also do solos and units. Fighting!

Q. What aims and goals you have for this album's promo activities?

JY: We cannot be loved by everybody, but we don't want to disappoint those who love us. Let's just keep and protect them - this is our mindset. What I exactly expect from hyung…I just hope you will shave a little before going to V app.

JB: Because we went overseas a lot for schedules, it's been quite a long time since GOT7 went to broadcast stations and performed on music shows altogether. And when we actually went there, I don't know why but suddenly during that time I was terrified. It was a broadcast we always did, but I was slightly scared…I just want this activities to be safe, funny and good.

Q. Can you say something briefly about GOT7 activities?

JY: There will be another full-fledged start for GOT7. Before that, firstly, we want to say «We are actually that kind of people. We are thinking this way». Thus I hope through this people will get the deeper understanding of GOT7.

Q. Is there something you want to say to the fans?

JB: I think of these activities not as the unit promotions of me and Jinyoung, but as promotions on behalf of all seven. I don't think it will be appropriate for you to feel the absence of other members, so we put a lot of concern in it and we will work hard not to disappoint you. Always thank you.

JY: I think the album appeared to be completed really well. There are a lot of good songs, photos, videos. So I'm honestly not embarrassed towards all of you. I am really grateful for those who have been waiting for us, we will be promoting for about a month, so we can compensate and wash away all your thirst and expectation during these years, that's why, please, don't worry. And, even though we are unit, we are still GOT7, so those of you who love GOT7 more, please, don't worry, too, and I hope you will anticipate us as well.

JB to fans
I think of these activities not as the unit promotions of me and Jinyoung, but as promotions on behalf of all seven.
Jinyoung to fans
Even though we are unit, we are still GOT7, so those of you who love GOT7 more, please, don't worry, and I hope you'll anticipate us, too.

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